DuckStation is a free and open-source emulator that runs PS1 games on a PC, Android & Linux. The emulator is known for speed and playability. It makes the perfect choice for those who want to recreate the magic of retro games.
So, be ready for the most accurate simulation of the Play Station console. You will have a great playing experience even on low-end devices. The emulator is compatible with the majority of PS1 games. You can run famous titles like Resident Evil, Tekken, and NFS.
However, let us tell you that you will need a PS1 Bios to get the emulator running and play games. You can get All region Bios from You only have to choose the relevant image to prevent compatibility issues.
The installation and configuration of DuckStation can be overwhelming, but the results are worth it. So, it is the best emulator for PS1 gamers to relive the past time.
The emulator works well when converting your PC into a gaming console. You will make the perfect choice of DuckStation as the best gamer.

Features of DuckStation
The users can enjoy their favorite titles without any worries. Let us have a look at the main features of this emulator;
- It is an open-source emulator compatible with many platforms like Windows, Linux, Android, and macOS.
- Versatility is another quality of this emulator. It supports modern CPU architectures like x86-64 and armv7/AArch6, which makes it usable across various devices.
- The tool uses advanced hardware acceleration technologies like D3D11, D3D12, OpenGL, Metal, and Vulkan.
- You can enhance the quality of classic games using its upscaling and texture filtering. Use these options to give new life to the classic games.
- The emulator allows you to save games in the original PS1 format. You can also save them across various platforms. Hence, it becomes seamless to switch on devices or restart your game from where you left off.
- It provides fast customization for digital or analog controllers. You can, therefore, tailor the control setup according to your play style and needs.
- The ability to load cheats from existing lists makes it reliable. You can enhance how you play your games and have a seamless gaming experience.
How To Download and Install DuckStation?
- You will need to go to the official DuckStation Website.
- Navigate to the DuckStation releases page to get the latest version of the emulator.
- Finally, choose the version most relevant to your device’s OS (Windows, macOS, Linux), and go for the x64 version for Windows.
- You can then extract the downloaded archive in a folder on your system.
- Setup Ducstation Bios
- You can then find the DuckStation executable file in the folder you extracted. The name should be something like duckstation-qt-x64-ReleaseLTCG.exe.
- Now, right-click the file to drag it to your desktop and make a shortcut.
How To Import Games into DuckStation:
Once you run the DuckStation executable, a plain and uninteresting window will appear. This window is your gateway to the entire PlayStation library.
Note: the emulator requires BIOS files, which you can dump from the PlayStation’s original console. Once you get the BIOS file, you can then carry on with the following steps;
- Choose Bios from the DuckStation Settings menu.
- Then, go to BIOS Directory and select Browse. Go to the folder where you stored your Bios files and select it.
- Finally, you are ready to start your game. However, it is a must to have some games.
- Moreover, you can load PS1 games one by one. However, DuckStation would be easier to use while you batch-import everything in your collection.
- To batch-import, you may visit settings and select the game list.
- Click the plus button on the top right. Choose the folder that has PlayStation games.
⦁ Click the plus button on the top right. Choose the folder that has PlayStation games. Now, you may click on the scan for New Games. If the games are in a subfolder, select yes when prompted to scan the folder through all levels.
DuckStation Set Up for PS1 Games:
You go to the most essential options in Duck Station’s Settings menu.
1. General
Many of you should be fine with the defaults on the general page. These are some fascinating settings you may be interested in.
Pause on Start: it will start the game in pause mode, which you can resume manually.
Start Full Screen: you can use this option to launch your games in full-screen mode.
Pause on Focus Loss: it automatically stops the game if the Duck Station’s window loses focus, which is how you prevent enemy attacks while checking other tasks.
2. Console
Keep the settings unchanged for every game and adjust them separately only when required. So, tweaking these settings might be better for some games but can cause issues for others. You can enjoy the custom configurations for each game with DuckStation.
Region: NTSC offers high frame rates for games supporting different regions and PAL has better vertical resolution. So, leave these settings on auto-detect. The emulator will choose the optimal settings for every game, resulting in an enhanced gaming experience.
Execution Mode: the recompiler option is the fastest. However, you can choose other options if you face glitches or emulator crashes.
Enable Clock Speed Control (Overclocking/Under clocking): it overclocks the emulated PlayStation if the game runs slow.
Async Read ahead, Read Speedup, and Seek Speedup: Enhance the speed of the emulated PlayStation’s CD drive. Thus, it loads the game faster.
3. Emulation
You can manipulate time in games by heading to the emulation page. Adjust how the emulator manages time.
Emulation Speed: set the speed to “normal” NTSC/PAL at 100%, or go for any percentage to slow down or speed up DuckStation, but 100% is ideal.
Fast Forward Speed and Turbo Speed: these will make games run fast. That is why you can adjust how fast you want the modes to go.
Enable Rewinding: like the time rewinding feature in some games, this allows you to undo some mistakes in challenging games. You can make it work by saving the emulator’s state every X frame for Y frames.
4. Display
Here, you can configure how DuckStation will render a game’s graphics on the screen:
Renderer: the default setting for most games and modern GPUs should be Vulkan. In case of any issues or older GPU, you may try OpenGL or D3D12. Use D3D11 for even older GPUs. If you still have problems, you may switch to software for maximum compatibility.
Aspect Ratio: Choose Auto (Game Native) for a distortion-free experience. It will also preserve the original aspect ratio. If you prefer a distortion-free experience, choose Auto (Game Native), which preserves the original aspect ratio. Other options will fill your whole screen and stretch the image, which could cause pixelated and blurry visuals.
On-Screen Display: enable the on-screen display options when troubleshooting or optimizing settings. It is necessary to get real-time performance data for the game.
5. Enhancements
Internal Resolution Scale: 1x setting renders the game at its native resolution. You can select 5x for HD monitors, 6x for 1440p displays, and 9x for 4K displays.
Texture Filtering: This setup enhances the appearance of surfaces in 3D games. Hence, your game will look smoother and refined to improve your gaming experience.
Widescreen Hack: if you enable this option for 3D games without glitches, enable Force 4:3 for 24-bit Displays to cancel widescreen for FMVs.
PGXP: this option can improve visuals by fixing the “wobbly geometry” in PlayStation games.
Post-Processing: this option lets you apply shaders. Hence, you get improved visuals. You can experiment separately for different games.
7. Controller Setup
Finally, check the controller section to ensure that the joy pad is detected and visible. Configure button mappings in one of the Controller Ports and remap buttons if needed. With no joy pad, use an Android phone as a gamepad that works with the emulator.
Final Remarks
Now that you know how to play PS1 games on a PC, you must download the DuckStation bios and emulator. Be ready to recreate the magic of retro games and enjoy your time. It makes sure you have an enhanced gaming experience.